Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Chevron Lesson Planner

As we gear up for the new academic school year, it's such a great thing to be prepared! I can't even tell you how many "bad dreams" I have of the first day of school and not knowing what I am doing that day! It's crazy, but true. Here is a lesson planner that will be sure to help you...and me get ready for the next school year! You can find the link to the CleverlyScience store here!

Are you ready for the school year?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Graphing Foldable!

Graphing has become an integral part of our curriculum that isn't going anywhere any time soon. In my 7th and 8th grade science class, the students almost always have to create a graph after they have collected their data. But you know what??? It seems as if the year goes on, they forget more and more how to do it CORRECTLY! As a quick fix for this predicament, I have them past this foldable in their science composition notebooks so that they don't forget how to do it, and so they can easily flip back to it to look at the steps. The steps may be modified in any way of course, especially if you teach it differently. Here is a link to my store, CleverlyScience.

Here are some of my student's examples:

The steps for making graphs are on the inside flaps.